3 June 2024
Western Cape Network on Disability
Ms Natalie Johnson
Via email: info@wcdisability.org.za
RE: Thank You
Dear Ms Johnson
I would like to express my sincere gratitude for your significant contribution to successfully testing the loop system at Artscape.
Thank you for making the arrangements for this; your active involvement in this process has been instrumental.
Thank you, Ms Johnson, for your unwavering commitment to championing Artscape’s journey towards becoming the most accessible public entity. Your advocacy and knowledge have been invaluable, and we are eternally grateful to have you on our side.
We look forward to continuing to rely on your expertise and advice in the future to enhance our accessibility for persons with disabilities further. We are confident that this achievement will open new doors for Artscape, making it more accessible for people with hearing disabilities to enjoy theatre.
Once again, I would like to personally thank you, Ms Johnson, for your invaluable contribution to this testing process.
Yours sincerely
Marlene Le Roux
CEO Artscape