How to Save on your Tax Liabilities
Natalie Johnson

When money is underspent, or spent at a too slow pace, businesses and individuals sometimes try to find a home for these funds either by “dumping the surplus” into their Retirement Annuity (RA) fund or through a once off donation to a Non-Profit Organisation (NPO) or charity of their choice.

If you are looking for a home for some surplus funds, we would love to help you save on your tax liabilities. We are a registered NPO with a PBO number and would be able to provide you with a Section 18 (a) Certificate in exchange for your donation.

Your donation will need to be done before the 25th February 2022 if you want to take advantage of this tax liability saving for this financial year.

Your donation will assist with our Operational Costs and will enable us to continue our work in the disability sector.

Our NPO number is: 025-006 NPO (registered 23 April 2003) but established on 6 June 1997. Our PBO number is: 930025734


Bank: Standard Bank

Branch: Pinelands

Branch Code: 020-009

Account No: 272090557 (Current Account)

Account Holder: Western Cape Network on Disability

Your Ref: [your initials and surname or organisation’s name]